This directory contains my obexd work for the n900 Obexd-0.037 replaces the stock obexd-0.18 code. Previous version of my obexd existed as obexd2 to allow for both my and the stock obexd packeges to be installed (hence still making it possible to upgrade to new nokia pr levels and not get problems with mp-fremantle* dependencies). The trick was to control a few things in the preinstall and postrm scripts. In fact this was just an ugly hack! Both files can also be found in this directory. As CSSU sets up its own mp-fremantle* series it should be possible to just replace the stock obexd package and the post/pre scripts are not needed anymore. The new obexd also needs a new version of libopenobex. As this adds a new library version it can savely co-exist with the stock libopenobex.